This is an implementation of the high-strength ArcFour encryption algorithm, written using the Quartus Forth on-board compiler for the Palm series of handheld computers.
\\ arcfour implementation
needs core-ext
: carray ( n "name" -- )
create chars allot
does> ( n -- addr ) swap chars + ;
256 carray S
0 value j
: j+! ( n -- ) j + 255 and to j ;
: init-S ( -- ) 256 0 do i dup S c! loop ;
: mix-S ( K-addr length -- )
256 0 do
\\ j=j+S[i]+K[i modulo length]
2dup i swap mod chars + c@
i S c@ + j+!
\\ swap S[i] and S[j]
j S c@ i S c@ j S c! i S c!
loop 2drop ;
: arcfourkey ( K-addr length -- )
init-S 0 to j mix-S ;
: arcfour ( M-addr length -- )
0 to j
swap 1- swap
1+ 1 do
\\ j=j+S[i]
i S c@ j+!
\\ swap S[i] and S[j]
j S c@ i S c@ 2dup j S c! i S c!
\\ xor M[i-1] with S[j]+S[i]
+ 255 and S c@ over i chars + dup
c@ rot xor swap c!
loop drop ;
create MD5digest 16 chars allot
: MD5 ( c-addr u -- c-addr2 16 )
MD5digest >abs 2swap swap >abs
EncDigestMD5 2drop ( * fix * )
MD5digest 16 ;
The 'needs core-ext
' at the top of the file is specific to Quartus Forth, and the MD5 definition at the bottom of the file calls a specific routine in the Palm OS; the rest of the file, however, is Standard Forth.