For our Blog, everything in this guide can be applied. Read through the Blog Style Guidelines and the Professional Writing Techniques for further information.

## Heading h2

### Heading h3

#### Heading h4



Paragraphs, breaks, and horizontal lines

Regular paragraphs are obtained by just writing text lines. If you hit enter between two lines, both lines will be joined into a single paragraph, which is called wrapping text. But, if you leave a blank line between them, they will split into two paragraphs.

It is a best practice to write each a paragraph on a single line. Don't put line breaks at the end of each sentence, and don't break up lines at a certain character limit. It is very difficult to review and edit copy with artificial lines breaks.

In some Git tools, diffs in future MRs may be easier to understand with additional line breaks, however GitLab's web interface as well as many desktop Git tools feature substring change highlighting within lines and side-by-side or similar version comparison so there is no need for artificial line breaks.

We usually break the lines within paragraphs to facilitate reviews. Do not leave blank spaces after the last word of the line broken within a paragraph, unless you want it to be intentionally broken with a <br>.

This text is a paragraph.
This won't be another paragraph, it will join the line above it.

This will be another paragraph, as it has a blank line above it.


This text is a paragraph. This won't be another paragraph, it will join the line above it.

This will be another paragraph, as it has a blank line above it.

In case you need an additional break (or some extra space between lines), you can simply use the HTML break tag <br>, leaving blank lines above and below it: