2000년 11월 8일 오전 6:38 (GMT+9)
Getting the Most out of Your Zip Disks
Your Zip disks give you unlimited, high capacity, high performance storage. With your Zip disks you can:
- Expand your computer storage quickly and easily, 100MB at a time.
- Move your work easily to different locations and computers.
- Back up your hard disk or any other disk drive on your system quickly and easily.
- Create a multimedia library.
- Store large scanned or downloaded files.
- Organize large amounts of information.
- Take work home or on the road with you.
- Use one disk per account, project, or client.
- Protect sensitive information.
- Archive old files and e-mail.
- Share large files with co-workers, clients, friends, and service bureaus.
- Keep financial and business records safe and secure.
- Give your kids disks for school work and other stuff.
- Save absolutely anything you don't want to throw away.
- Collect stuff from on-line services without filling up your hard drive.
- Store and run all your games.